Thursday, December 6, 2007

Vegan Citus Sparerib Cutlets (Vegeusa)

I've been sitting at the computer for 5 minutes trying to figure out how to describe VegeUSA's Vegan Citrus Sparerib Cutlets. The problem is that every time I start thinking about them I want to start eating them, so I'm going to make this quick or I'll end up drooling all over my new computer.

These "spareribs" are 100% omnivore and herbivore approved (hence a perfect dish to introduce your omni friends to the wonderful of Vegan!). They have a sweet citrus flavor that is at the same time spicy. And the plum vinegar sauce...there just are no words. Not only that but the texture is perfect and it cooks very quickly on the stove top, the oven (or toaster oven) and microwave.

On the back of the box it says that this is VegeUSA's best selling dish, and there is no doubt in my mind why. The taste and texture are amazing and the ingredients are simple and uncomplicated with no high fructose corn syrup in sight. If you're grocery store or co-op doesn't carry these you need to demand them immediately.

If you happen to be in the area try Cosmo's Vegan Shoppe (672 Highland Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA 30312). They have this, the Black Pepper Steak (a little too close to the real thing for me), and Orange Chicken (not my favorite but will do in a pinch). Some Asian grocers will also carry this brand but make sure it's vegan, VegeUSA has a vegan and a vegetarian line.


  1. thanks for info about Cosmos. I'll be sure to shop online there.
    - supernovadiva

  2. I haven't heard of this brand...they don't have it in Colorado!!!!! Nooooo, it's looks and sounds sooo goood! Now, I have to stop before I drool all over my laptop!

  3. Yes, they are wonderfully delicious! I just finished eating some.
