Monday, December 17, 2007

Let's go milk an Oat!

When you first go vegan everything is soy. Soy milk, soy yogurt, soy ice cream, soy chicken, soy hot dogs, the list goes on forever. One day I looked up and I realized I was having something soy at nearly every meal. Variety is the spice of life and my diet definitely needed some spice.

Although I've found a ton of alternatives to soy out there I couldn't seem to find one that really worked well as a full time soy milk alternative. I tried almond milk which is WONDERFUL but it didn't have the protein content I was looking for. I tried hemp milk (and still keep my pantry stocked with it) but it's extremely high in sugar and the nutty flavor doesn't lend well to baking. Then Oat Milk went on sale at my co-op and I thought, why not?!

Who would've thunk it! Oat milk is amazing. Oats are actually a natural source of calcium and oat milk provides slightly more calcium than cow's milk without all the fat, cholesterol, puss and cruelty. The brand I've been using (Pacific Natural) has also been fortified with vitamin D and riboflavin. Oat milk works everywhere soy milk does including baking (which is where I usually use it). So take a pause from your soy or rice milk and try something new! It has protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin A, iron, vitamin D and a phenomenal taste.


  1. Haven't tried the oat milk yet. We usually go with Pacific Rice milk, or if we are feeling purely decadent, then we get chocolate Almond Breeze which is so amazing slightly frozen....yummm! We'll have to try the oat milk though, like you said, variety1

  2. I can't find anywhere else that oats are a good source of calcium.

  3. You can easily find this information on the USDA nutrient database. However, I did not say that oats were a good source of calcium I said that oats naturally contain calcium and that oat milk (which is a separate produce than oats) is a good source of calcium and has more calcium than milk
