One of the hardest parts of being a new vegan (or even an old seasoned vegan) is trying to keep up with all the new products out there. I must have spent over $50 looking for the "right" vegan cheese my first year being a vegan and I have over 50 vegan/vegetarian cookbooks in my arsenal but not all the recipes are the greatest. I’m the first born so I’m used to being a Guinea Pig and now I’m your Vegan Guinea Pig. So here are my recommendations and critiques. Let me know what you think!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Go Max Go Foods Jokerz Candy Bar

Growing up I wasn't allowed to eat much candy. Let's just say I was a "spirited" child with more than enough natural energy to go around and my mom wasn't about to take the chance that adding a little extra sugar would send me over the edge into a tiny tazmanian devil of energy. Since I never really ate candy or chocoaltes as a child  I have to say they don't appeal to me very much as an adult and so when Go Max Go came out with their line of all natural vegan candy bars I wasn't that excited. I was even less thrilled at the price tag, it's been a while since I bought a candy bar but I don't recall that they were ever $2.50 each which is the hefty price tag that these bars carry.

Finally one day last month I found myself at Cosmo's Vegan Shoppe picking up a small list of vegan goodies and as I started to eye the healthy protein bars and snacks my attention began to shift to the Jokerz candy bar glistening in it's bright red packaging begging for me to try it. Being the lady I am I can't turn down a candy bar's offer when it just flat out asks me to eat it so, of course, I did. I waited until I got into the parking lot, and slowly unwrapped the bar. It smelled like a sweet little piece of chocolate nirvana and before I knew what was happening half the bar was gone. The chewy peanut nougat, velvety caramel and roasted peanuts all covered in chocolate are reminiscent of a Snickers. But Snickers pale in comparison to these nougaty wonders. Snickers are like the red headed step child (no offense to the red headed step children out there) to the Jokerz. I can't believe it took me so long to try these. They are worth every penny of the price and, on a positive note about the price, it is set high enough that I won't be tempted to eat these every single day so they will remain a lovely treat that I get to indulge in from time to time. 

To purchase Jokerz Candy Bars head to Whole Foods, Earth Fare, The Fresh Market, assorted health food stores, Cosmo's Vegan Shoppe, Natural Candy Store and


  1. They sell them for $1.80 at my school, with my student discount. It should be a crime! During exam week I eat about 2 per day.

  2. I have to immediately cut them in half and put half away. Or I'll eat three. :) Have you tried the other kinds? They're good too!

  3. We still can't get them in my city yet, I had to order them online to try them. So totally worth it! The Mahalo's are the next on my list to try.

  4. Snickers is the one and only thing I miss since going vegan. I will have to give these a try!

  5. these look scrumptious! i'll be certain to invest during my next trip to whole foods! for your sweet tooth, i also recommend the "vegan peanut butter cups" by alicia silverstone, as published in her "the kind diet." they are absolutely positively amazing! ~ nicole from pittsburgh,


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