Monday, November 1, 2010

Vegan Mofo Has Arrived And The Winner Of The Quick & Easy Vegan Comfort Food Giveaway Is Announced!

The Vegan Month of Food (Vegan Mofo) is upon us again. This year I’m going to try my hardest to go above and beyond the minimum of 5 posts a week and post about all the joys of vegan food every single day of the month! If you’re a long-time reader of this blog then you know how hectic my schedule is but for the sake of VeganMofo I’m going to carve a little time out every day for some Mofo’ing goodness. Expect lots of recipes, food porn, product reviews and loads of great cookbook reviews. I’m so excited that in addition to my second cookbook Quick and Easy Vegan Celebrations there are so many amazing cookbooks coming out this fall and I can’t wait to share them with you.

But without further ado. The moment you’ve all been waiting for. Picked by a random number generator, the winner of a signed copy of Quick and Easy Vegan Celebrations is….Momo!

Congratulations! You’ll be receiving an email from me shortly to work out the logistics. Thanks to everyone who made this giveaway so much fun. I never imagined what a joy it would be to read about each of your favorite holidays and even discover a couple new celebrations. Don’t forget, Quick and Easy Vegan Celebrations is available in stores and online now so pick up your copy today!

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