Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Most Important Day of Vegan Mofo is Today...My Birthday!

This day has been three decades in the making and it's finally here! The best day of VeganMofo is, of course, my birthday. To ensure that I don't infringe on the rules of VeganMofo (which are to post about food and not just go on and on about how happy I am to have another birthday), I'll share with you a picture of my birthday breakfast of persimmons.

These are sweet Georgia grown persimmons and I had 4 for breakfast! I decided not to go to heavy on my breakfast this morning since I already know my lunch with consist of the biggest slice of carrot cake you've ever seen from Cafe Sunflower and my dinner from Cafe Circa will be too decadent for words (Geesh, I'm spending a lot of time at Cafe's today) .

Happy Birthday To Me!


  1. happy Birthday to you!!!
    Eat too much and go to bed with a huge food baby!

  2. Happy birthday! And I am officially jealous of all the great food you'll be having!

  3. Yay, Happy Birthday! Have an awesome day.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I second Carla's idea--eat whatever you want and as much of it as you want. :)

  5. Happy Birthday!! I almost went to Cafe Sunflower when we were in Atlanta a few weeks ago.....not enough time.

  6. Happy birthday!
    A delightful food coma is an excellent way to end your birthday, sounds like you are on the right track! Enjoy it all. :)

  7. Happy,happy birthday!! Thanks for the great cookbooks. I made the Tempeh soft tacos with the lime crema....oooooohhhh. So good and addictive. I've eaten them several different ways. Keep up the great work and eat lots of cake!

  8. happy birthday! i just got your vegan comfort food book from my library today. can't wait to try some of the recipes, and check out your blog :)
