Monday, October 5, 2009

A Cheesy Vegan Mofo - Chick Cheeze Spread Recipe

Whew! Just making the midnight deadline on this Monday Mofo! I’m knee deep in a week full of tests, papers and quizzes so everything I put in my mouth for the next 7 days must take no more than 10 minutes to prepare unless I happen to have a little extra time on my hands then I can stretch it to 15.

A little more than 3 years into being vegan and the thought of the taste of cheese kinda makes my stomach turn. I’ll be doing a review of Daiya cheese later but that stuff is so much like real cheese I can barely stand it at times – mine actually turned to mold before I could finish a full pack of cheddar and Italian blend. But on to the subject at hand. A great hybrid of a cheeze spread that isn’t overpowering with the cheeze flavor and hummus. I’m in love with Jo Stepaniak’s The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook because I think it has perfect cheesy recipes that aren’t too cheesy for my current liking. This Chick Cheeze is an adaptation of her recipe. I added flax oil to give myself a quick and easy way to get some omega 3’s in without having to think about it. Enjoy!

2 cups cooked chickpeas
3 tablespoon nutritional yeast
2 tablespoon tahini
2 tablespoon white wine vinegar
2 teaspoons light miso
¼ cup flax oil
1 teaspoon onion powder
¼ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon paprika
¼ teaspoon garlic powder
¼ teaspoon dry mustard

Combine all ingredients in a food processor fitted with a metal blade. Process until smooth, stopping and scraping down the sides when necessary. Can be eaten immediately but is even better when it’s had a chance to chill for at least 8 hours.


  1. Mmm I love a quick vegan cheese dip and I always have these ingredients on hand, I'll give it a try for sure. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. YUMMY!
    Those ingredients are an awesome combo.

  3. What a great idea! I need to try this out.

  4. That sounds incredibly delicious! Good luck with all your tests and exams.

  5. Oh yum! Do you think this would work okay in a macaroni and cheese type recipe?
    I hear you on the schoolwork and exams- best of luck with them!

  6. That looks great. Still don't have nutritional yeast or miso and I'm not sure I'll be able to find them here....but I'll give it another look!

  7. Hey Taleoftwovegans this is more of a cheeze spread or dip and wouldn't go well as a sauce for mac and cheeze. I do, however, have a great mac and cheeze recipe here

  8. Tanya, you can find nutritional yeast online at, or just to name a few and then stock up so you won't have to be without!

    Also you can just substitute 1/2 teaspoon salt for the miso if you don't have it.

  9. This looks delish! Would it work without the tahini? I'm not a huge fan and never have any on hand.

  10. Howdie Kim. I'm sure it would work just fine without the tahini. You could use cashew butter in it's place or actually throw 1/4 cup of cashews in and pulse everything together too.

  11. Ooh, I must try this. It looks awesome!

    Good luck with all your work, you are crazy busy!

  12. I'm definitely going to try this, too!

  13. Okay...this is a must try!!!


  14. I tried this and it's awesome! At first I wasn't sure how all ingredients will go together but everything is nice balanced - nutritional yeasts didn't overpowered everything, like usually happens in "cheez" spreads!
    Thanks :)

  15. Thanks for posting this recipe! It's so good! My cheese loving friend even loved it!
