Friday, October 10, 2008

Vegan Mofo: Spinach Omelette & Pumpkin Waffles(GF)

Good morning!'s morning somewhere. Yesterday morning, after night 4 of virtual insomnia, I decided to make one of my favorite meals for breakfast to perk myself up a bit: spinach omelette's and sweet potato waffles. I've been trying to go gluten free for the last month so instead of my traditional recipe for sweet potato waffles I decided to try Susan V's (Fat Free Vegan Kitchen) recipe for Gluten Free Pumpkin Waffles. They not only look divine they were absolutely delicious. The waffles needed no added margarine or oil and went perfect with just a couple tablespoons of Grade B Maple Syrup on them. Susan says that the recipe makes about 4 waffles but mine made 8! I ate two, saved two for today and froze the rest to enjoy next week.

Susan also has an amazing recipe for vegan omelette's but I did not use hers for this omelette. I've actually been working on my own for about 6 months now and I think I've finally come up with a wonderful recipe that fits my taste perfectly. The filling was very simple to make. Usually I would wilt fresh spinach but the budget is tight so I'm using whatever is available in the house right now, which happens to be frozen spinach. I steamed about a cup of frozen spinach and squeezed out all the water I could. Then I lightly sautéed 1/4 cup red onion, 1/2 small purple bell pepper and minced 1 large clove of garlic. Breakfast heaven!

The best part about this breakfast is that I was able to work in two types of vegetables, a generous serving of essential vitamins and minerals and stay gluten free and very full.

The Spinach Omelette Recipe is available in Quick and Easy Vegan Comfort Food in stores now!


  1. that seriously looks like a perfect all it needs is a big 'ol cup of coffee! that picture is amazing, too! this really makes me want breakfast for dinner tonight! :)

  2. You should open like a Vegan Waffle House... my mouth is watering. Laura is right, although I would throw in some hashbrowns since I love potatoes lol...

  3. Your omelette looks absolutely perfect!

  4. Hi Alicia,

    That looks like a wonderful breakfast. I actually made pumpkin pancakes for breakfast this morning, and after seeing your pictures I am thinking about pumpkin waffles for dinner. The can of pumpkin is already open anyway...

  5. Looks delicious, but I think I'm missing something. How do you make the omelette?

  6. Hey, no worries about the confusion. When I first heard of vegan omelette's a little over a year ago I had to do a double take. The base of them is silken tofu. As I mentioned in the blog my recipe isn't ready for the public yet but Susan V. of the Fat Free Vegan Kitchen has a wonderful omelette recipe.

  7. I'm so hungry and seeing that omelette isn't helping ;-). Vegan omelettes are so tasty! your's looks divine.

  8. Is there a recipe for this omelette?

  9. Hey Anonymous!

    The Spinach Omelette recipe is in Quick & Easy Vegan Comfort Food
