Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Fulfilling the Stereotype: Granola

What did you think about vegans before you became one? Did you think they were granola eating, hemp wearing hippies? Maybe super radical AR freaks? Did you think that every vegan in the world went around throwing red paint on fur coats? Well, the truth is that vegans (like everyone else) come in all different shapes and sizes and we all march to the beat of our own drummer. What we do have in common is compassion and respect for all living things, and an extremely healthy diet to go along with it.

With all that said, I hate to post a blog about the joys of granola because it's just soooo stereotypical vegan but...this is some good stuff. While in Whole Foods earlier today I ran across a man giving samples of Feed Granola Co. brand of granola. I tried the blueberry almond crunch, raisin nut crunch, and the cranberry coconut crunch (it also comes in bittersweet-ness and apple a day). I feel in love off the first bite. I tried each with and without rice milk and soy milk and I was in heaven (yes I was the greedy girl at the samples table). This granola is not that super hard, break your jaw type of granola, it really taste like homemade (better actually). And the ingredients are pure and simple. There isn't one thing on the list of ingredients you couldn't buy yourself in any grocery store.

Although it was a little pricey ($5.49) I bought a bag of each one of the flavors I tried and I can't wait to tear them open. I'm taking the bluberry almond crunch with me to class tonight to help me get through 4 hours of microbiology. Tomorrow I think I'll try it in some vanilla ricera. And this is definitely going to find a place in my breakfast routine.

But before I forget it not only taste good but it each bag also contains Omega 3 rich flax seed and 1/4 cup serving has 4 grams of fiber, and 5 grams of protein. It is also organic, and of course it's just one more way to sneak whole grains into your diet.

It's available at most health food stores. Their website says it's available at Whole Foods, Earthfare, Fresh Market, Fairway Market, Westerly and Zabars. It is also available for orders on Amazon.com

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